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It is easy to slip into the mindset that because it is Halloween and because it is tradition, that now is the perfect time to start indulging in those cute little innocent looking candy bars. They are after all, fun-sized. Not so fast.

Buying a bag here and a bag there for trick-or-treaters may be setting yourself up for the situation in which you find an empty stockpile October 31. Does this sound familiar? offers these suggestions for how to enjoy the spirit of the holiday without sabotaging your nutritional guidelines.

1. Don’t buy your (once)... Read More »

Happy Birthday Dr. Joe Bob Kirk

Happy Birthday Dr. Kirk from Bailey Bariatrics!

"Made it through another birthday! Thank you for all the comments. I have been blessed with a great family, friends and patients who are each a blessing to my soul. It has been an amazing year and I look forward to next year. Thank you to each of you who make this day and every day special.” – Dr. JoeBob Kirk

You can wish Dr. Kirk a happy birthday on our Facebook page by clicking here


Preparing for metabolic surgery starts the day you attend the bariatric seminar.  You will work with many medical prossionals including Dr. Kirk, dietitians, exercise specialists, psychologist, pulmonolist and cardiologist.  There are many lifestyle habits you can work on in the weeks before surgery to improve your health for healthier surgery outcomes.  Here are the "Top 10 Things to Do Now"  in the weeks leading up to your surgery date. They will help you physically, emotionally and mentally.

*Start taking a good multivitamin.  Vitamin and mineral supplements are essential for... Read More »

Tenika Clemmer and her daughter, Jaycee, are setting out to do something they have never tried before – participate in a run. On Saturday, March 16, Tenika and Jaycee, along with a special group of participants, will be walking and running in Tulsa’s St. Patrick’s Day Run on Brookside. For Tenika, it is especially important that her daughter will be right by her side for the 1-mile fun run/walk. “My 8-year-old daughter motivated me to be around for a while,” she says. At 23, Clemmer was taking medication for high blood pressure and felt she was headed toward developing diabetes as... Read More »