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Teresa’s Roux-en-Y Revision Story

My story with bariatric surgery began when I had the Roux-en-Y procedure in August of 2004 at a different facility. I lost half of the weight I needed to lose, but ended up having another child 21 months post-op. For a few years I kept most of the weight off, but without support I gained my weight back. I felt like I had failed. I had kept the surgery secret. I knew no one I could talk to for support.

In January of 2012 I began to seriously focus on my health.  My weight was as high as ever and I was almost 47 years old. Two close family members were dealing with heart disease during this time. One had a heart attack at the age of 47 and another needed bypass surgery to correct several blockages. My youngest child was only six!  I had to change something.  For more than a year I struggled. I would get to a certain point and weight loss would stop.  

In June 2013 I went to a seminar and made an appointment with Dr. Kirk.  I learned about how out of balance my body was.  I had never had any follow up blood work and was low on iron, protein and vitamin D, just to name a few. I began going to support group meetings and discovered I was a candidate for a revision.  Since June of this year I am back on track with ALL the tools to get my body to healthy. 

With the support of fellow WLS patients, exercise staff, the dietitian and doctors at The Center for Bariatrics at Bailey Medical Center, I can see my future as a happy, healthy place. No more blood pressure medicine, no more waiting while everyone else rides the attractions at Silver Dollar City, no more sitting and watching.  Today, I walk almost daily, cycle frequently and do strength training - even a little yoga (thanks Mo!).

I expect to be the first in my family to not have diabetes or any type of heart disease.  This is all because I decided to fix what was broken.  

This journey has meant restoration to me.  It's restored health, fun, fitness and relationships.  It has brought new friendships, new activities and new places to my life. I did a 5K this year with three of my kids.  I never thought about doing that before.  I am now looking forward to running my next one.

Would I recommend The Center for Bariatrics at Bailey Medical Center program?  Yes - if you want to win your life and health back!